New Life Chemical & Equipment, Inc. is a privately owned chemical distribution and custom blending company that operates on Christian principles such as starting each Monday morning (first fruits of our week) with a voluntary hour of devotion for employees.
This is usually led by a representative of a ministry or missionary on furlough whom we support from a tithe of our profits. Often we have truck drivers, suppliers, customers, or other Christian business leaders participate in our weekly devotion time.

Miracle Hill Ministries, Inc.
Bel Aire Community Partners
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Calvary Home for Children
MTW, Charles Amicy – Missionary
Campus Crusade for Christ
Water of Life
South Carolina Christian Foundation
Piedmont Women’s Center
Mission for Haiti
Washington Baptist Church
Great Dads Ministry
Grace Harbor Ministries
State-Line Motorcycle Ministry
New Covenant Church
Samaritan Aviation
Global Frontier Missions
Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church
Neighborhood Focus Ministry
Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church
Suber Road Baptist Church
Long Branch Baptist Church
Please contact us at 1-864-277-5516 or if you have any questions about our available services & capabilities.