We are a better option than landfill or disposal!
We buy chemicals that otherwise would be disposed of and find a beneficial reuse for them. Our service is an integral part of our partners “zero waste,” green initiatives or scale-up process. We buy expired materials, mis-blended materials, off specification materials, dead stock and other surplus chemicals. We do not deal in laboratory quantities, rather, we buy drums, totes, tankers, iso-tanks up to railcars of surplus chemicals.
Our service to our partners accomplishes several things in an environmentally positive manner:
- Eliminate Disposal Costs
- Free Up Storage and Warehouse Space
- Regain Working Capital
How it works: Contact us via phone (864) 277-5516 or sales@newlife-chem.com or the contact form at the bottom of this page!
When you contact New Life Chemical with your surplus inventory, we will need to know as much information about it as is available for speedy service:
- What do you have? (SDS, COA, INCI name, Trade Name, Manufacturer).
- How much do you have? (lbs., gallons or kg).
- How is it stored or packaged? (Bulk, Totes, Drums, Railcar, Isotank, Pails, Supersacks, Bags).
- What is the per package weight?
- Where is it? (Country, State, Zip Code).
- What is your time frame for resolving the issue? (Does it need to move soon?).
- Why is this available? (What is the “story” of the material? mistaken blend, obsolete, expired, etc.).
- Can we get a sample?
Next Steps:
Once we have as much information as available, we can make a determination to either arrange to move it out of your way or to let you know our best option for moving it based on the market value. This could mean you get paid for the material (recovery of some working capital) or we may need to charge you to dispose of it in the event we cannot find a beneficial re-use for the product.
With warehouse space of 150,000 ft², a state-of-the-art laboratory and our chemical processing equipment & expertise, we can typically provide a quick resolution to your “headache.”
Click here to learn more about our Environmental Health and Safety permitting and credentials.
What is a surplus chemical?

Please contact us at 1-864-277-5516 or sales@newlife-chem.com with your surplus chemical that you wish to move.